Prace bieżące

s/y Gandalf

The yacht was very brave and quite fast, comfortable for sea tourism, equipped with equipment produced by Western companies and a Volvo-Penta 4-cylinder engine (which was a great success in those years, as most Polish yachts at that time did not have engines at all), it was a great breakthrough in the quality of floating equipment that Polish sailors could use until then.
A total of 39 yachts of this type were produced by the Szczecin Yachting Yard, but due to a decline in demand for wooden constructions, the Yachting Yard had to discontinue their production.

The fate of the vessel is linked to an exceptional figure. We are talking about Teresa Remiszewska (1928-2002) - the pioneer of Polish women's solo sea voyages, known as the ‘First Lady of the Baltic’. In 1970 Teresa Remiszewska , as the first Polish woman, made a solo cruise, on the yacht ‘Zenit’, on the Baltic Sea, on a route of 690 miles.
The history of the yacht is also connected with another famous person. In 1969, also on the ‘Zenit’, Krzysztof Baranowski made his first solo Baltic voyage - a sailor who was the first Pole to circumnavigate the globe twice on his own.

Start of restoration work.
Reconstruction of the bottom, rear.
Reconstruction (replacement) of frames.
Steel restoration.
Removed ballast.
Suspension on stringers.
Skeletal reconstruction completed.
Ballast assembly.
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